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Hosting a game in MC2?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:48 pm
by Jstncloud
So I just recently downloaded the software today and I am unsure of how to host a game. I ran the client, joined a room, and clicked Launch just to test things out. It loaded my game normally, I clicked Multiplayer and the options for the Zone, LAN, and TCP/IP where available, from here, I have no idea where I would go to access a real match. Any guidance would be awesome.

Re: Hosting a game in MC2?

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:15 pm
by CanEh
I saw your other post as well, and this is the "generic" advice that I can give.

The MC2 lobby uses the GUID of 35DC7890-C5EF-4171-B0CF-4D5C7AE7C2D7 and the game exe of MC2Rel.exe in order to launch into the game. Sometimes people don't have the right version of the game, and you can check the GUID that you have by running DXDIAG (start-run kinda thing). Providing you don't have vista of course, you can look in the dxdiag Networking tab and in the center of that screen is the list of dplayable games you have installed.

If the guid and exe match, then in theory you should launch directly into your multiplayer menu without having to choose any other options. Since you are not seeing that menu, then either your guid is not right, or you may not have the required ports open for the game.

As far as I know, the MC2 lobby does work but I don't have the game so I can't tell you from first hand experience.