This program was created for the Wordpress community, to assist them in hunting down virus and malware code that has made it into their sites. Since many users are not "linux aware" or perhaps do not have shell type access to their website in order to run linux search utilities, they can download their site files and folders (hey, you need a backup anyway, right?) in to a folder on their windows machine... and then run this search utility.
THIS is version 1.1, the first public release of this program. It was written in Visual Studio 2005, as a VB.Net project. It has not been protected or obfiscated, which means you can decompile the program if you really want to. If you are getting the file from this site, I can promise you there are no hidden things or anything.
With that said, the full source code has now been released, free of charge.
You do NOT have to be a member of this system to take this file. Please... be my guest.

However if you want to leave any comments in this thread, you must make an account.
This program is very similar to WinGrep, except... its just "simple"... really really simple. And in my tests, it is about the same speed as WinGrep as well. If you just want simple, give it a try. The zip file contains the program (no install required, just put it where ever you want to, and run it) and some simple information in a doc file.
Enjoy. I look forwared to hearing your comments.